We are going to be talking about our tire pressure now and basic ATV riding. We are going to go ahead and start with finding the tire pressure on your tire. It will be listed somewhere along the side around here, all's you have to do is look for it.
ATV tires are very important because that is what is going to keep you rolling or going. And if you maintain your tires pretty well you will not have to worry about any flat tires or anything like that. So, now when we look for our tire pressure we are going to go ahead and run it at thirty six psi that is what it is recommended for.
We will go ahead and run it at thirty-six psi on the cement or the street or when we are riding around town. When we are riding on sand or on some other type of surface we are going to have to adjust tire pressure, so in sand we will have to run it about four pounds under recommended pressure.
On dirt where it is going to be rocky and bumpy and there is going to be stuff underneath you, you want to make sure you run it in between their. Somewhere between two below or four below and that will keep you running pretty smooth. So now we are going to go ahead and look at our ATV tires and see if their is any cracks along the sides on the walls of the tires or on the front of the tires if their is any crack or nails or anything like that which could possibly give us troubles later on.
Right now this looks like a pretty clean tire, not too much wear on the tread. Their is no cracks on the walls or the top. When you guy's are riding you want to make sure that you keep on your ATV tires and anything else on your ATV so that you have a nice smooth ride. If you take care of your ATV it will take care of you.